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Flash website with product presentation
Do you have a unique product or do you simply present your product or business in a different way, then a flash site a strong possibility to leave your customers and visitors with a memorabel experience. With a flash presentation / website, it can work with what we call "edutainment", ie. entertainment combined with education and information dissemination.
Typically this type of website for the presentation of a new type of product or company that needs to stand out from the crowd. It is possible to do both graphics, sound effects, etc. in both 2d, 3d and ordinary. movie format. Intra media has many years of experience developing flash websites and flash presentations, both offline and online use, ie. both for use directly on a website or for publishing in TV, YouTube, DVDs and more. We also offer to integrate your flash website with a CMS system.
Call or write to us and hear more and order if necessary. a free presentation meeting or presentation material of what we can so you with your own eyes can see our capabilities and possibilities with a flash website or presentation.