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In connection with our easyWEB CMS solutions, we design websites that are built to be easy to maintain and develop further. For each customer we create a unique design that supports the product and profiling your company has.
Design and programming includes the profiling of the website itself. Ie website design for. to give the company a professional external profile.
Moreover the creation of meta tags (keywords) and enrollment for the 7 largest search engines in the urge to ensure that the company will be categorized and indexed in the search engines on the Internet.
What do you get when buying website?
To create an image ..
When one day surfing the Internet the Mon with the same (often unconsciously) notice on its website appear professional or not. The company will immediately boxed in by the visitor, and here it is important to get the customer perspective on the company to look as good as possible.
Companies with a poor and not user-friendly website gives usually associate with the company itself is also cluttered and unprofessional. Can the website however reflect that you have a grip on things and that you're serious, you have already created with a strong image of the customer.
A solid foundation ..
It is about creating a solid foundation from the beginning. Has this it is always easier to build on the project without the whole thing overturned. We focus on delivering a whole product to our customers, which means that they can feel safe and become familiar with their website and the associated use of our system to update the website.
Experience shows that a simple and solid foundation is far better than an overly sophisticated foundation that will eventually falter for you as a customer - in and with you not even want to handle the website. Therefore we always start with simplifying the individual.
"It's always harder to make something complex look simple out than to get something simple to operate complicated"
Update ..
Most companies are constantly evolving, yet it is often seen that their website has not followed the company's development. It's incredibly important to maintain and update its website so that it always represents company vision, product, image, etc..
The "invisible" features ..
A website consists not just of what one can immediately see visually. Behind the graphical facade lies a lot of thinking as most do not know.
Too many have a website which is made of their nephew or they know that cheap or free have made this their business. This ends all too often with a partial result and that is not ruled on the website "invisible" functionalities.
One of the "invisible" features is how your website can be found by search engines around the world. Here it is important to get a professional to develop a strategy and make the appropriate considerations for how to get the most out of your website.
If your website's search data is done properly and can be found via search engines, are you really with a free marketing platform. Too many go completely miss this.
Technical features:
Another thing often missing is that the website meets the applicable standards (W3C) in websites. Complies with the code behind the website is not these standards will not be all that could see the site as it should be seen. (This may be an image that is not seen, or a button you can not touch, and so the user can not then move on to your website.)
There are many different operating systems (Windows, Mac, Linux etc.) and browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari) and if this website does not comply with current standards will not be viewed properly in all the different systems. This excludes a potential customer group.