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What is Bounce Rate and how is it measured ?
A bounce rate is a term used in connection with website analysis tools. It represents how many visitors percentage point choose to navigate away from your website after only viewing the first page they land on, rather than continue to click around amongst your various pages.
Bounce rate is calculated by taking the number of visitors who visit one page and dividing with the total number of visitors. Let us imagine that your website in January had 1,265 visitors and out of them 375 have chosen to navigate away from your website after the first page they saw.
Thereby here is your bounce rate: (375 / 1265) * 100 = 29.6%
You can measure bounce rates on each page (to see if any pages "bounces" more than other sites), or it can be measured for the entire site.If you havea Google Analytics integration on your website, you will see everything you need in relation to the bounce rate.Often it is also possible to see your bounce rate for the different website pages directly in your CMS .
It varies what can be called a good bounce rate from site to site, since it depends on many factors. Some of these factors may be the product you sell, how many pages you have and where you advertise, etc. It is often interesting to try to get your bounce rate to be as low as possible, but ultimately the goal is to get out your information amongst your visitors or build revenue and value through the website.
At IntraMEdia we are always ready to guide you, if you are unsure about anything compared to what your bounce rate really mean for you, whether it is good / bad, and whether anything can be improved in this aspect. If your are not yet a customer of ours, please feel free to write or call us and get a free evaluation of your website .