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Google Adwords and PPC annoncering
Google Adwords is today known by most companies that have a website they want to advertise. Adwords is a way to pay Google to get permission to lie among the top results when searching on a given word in Google. These results are those displayed on the right side of the screen, and a few more might appear at the top marked with a background color and the text "Sponsored Links". Inside your website's statistics or your CMS website, you can see the queries your visitors have made before they visited your website.
When setting up an Adwords ad, you can select the keywords you want, and a maximum price you wish to pay per click. This click price (and other indirect factors that are too deep a subject to tangle here) affect how high you rank among the results when searching on a given keyword. Some keywords and industries are cheaper to advertise in than others, because competition from other companies differ. Some may advertise and pay eg 10 cent per click, whereas other industries and keywords with fierce competition might pay 5 dollars per click.
One of the advantages of Google Adwords is that you only pay once someone has clicked on your link, and thereby visited your website. All those who seek and see your link and text without clicking the link to your website, you will not pay for. Additionally alot of information about the visitor can be recorded and analyzed, after they clicked on an Adwords ad. This means that you can see if the clicks you paid for actually works and turns into more sales and customers.
You can make an interconnection and integration of Google Analytics and Google Adwords, which gives you insight into concepts such as ROI, conversion rate, bounce rate and much more. All of which can ultimately tell you whether it is worthwhile for you to advertise on the keywords you have chosen and how much it gives you in earnings eventually.
If you want to hear more about this matter, please feel free to contact us. You are also welcome to book a no obligation meeting or phone conversation if you want a longer conversation about the subject, and a corresponding analysis of your current website and what we believe can be worked with on your website.