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Free tools from Google for your website
Here is a list of free tools from Google to your website. They can be very helpful in analysis, statistics and marketing of your website.
Google Webmaster tools - gives you an idea of how your site is indexed and which pages on your site that Google knows about and has included them in their search engine. Furthermore, you get an idea of which keywords were used when people have found your website, divided into impressions and clicks. It gives you an indication of what people search on when they find you, and here will often occur words or phrases that you haven't imagined yourself.
In addition, Google webmaster tools features a variety of other useful information such as how often Google visits your website, how many sub-pages Google sees on an average per day, which keywords Google thinks are most important on your website and much more. Try it, it's completely free:)
Google search tool - Formerly called Google External Keyword Tool / Google Search-Based Tool, shows you which keywords are searched for in Google. For example you can write the word "bike" and then you get a list of related keywords for "bike" and the keyword itself, and a list of how many monthly searches there are on the keyword.. It can give you an idea of which keywords you should focus on when doing search engine optimization (SEO) or if you have to setup a Google Adwords campaign.
Google Analytics - Is a powerful and professional statistical tool from Google that gives you an advanced statistics about visitors on your website. Here you can get a very accurate insight into how your visitors use your site, what keywords they have found you on, how long they stay on your website and more. This makes Google Analytics an indispensable tool for your website, and it's even free and very easy to get implemented on your website.
Google Sets tool - Helps you to find coherent keywords which is about the same topic. If you type in a few keywords, the tool returns with suggestions for more keywords in context to the topic. If one writes "trek", "cube", "scott" (the names of famous bicycle brands), you will get a list of other bike brands, because google knows about the relationship between them. It is often a great tool for inspiration or simply to gain an insight into what is otherwise available in the market.
Google Trends - Shows what is popular at the moment, ie how much search activitety there is for specific keywords in specific periods. Eg. the typical seasonal items and seasonal products will have very high search activitity during the high season or new products relating to product launches or news. If, for example looking at iphone, you will clearly see if you walk a few years back that have been lodged so much after having appeared on various news product as well as the product was launched. It can also be used to get an idea about a particular product (eg, travel, food, etc.) primarily will be searched for certain times of the year.
Google Alerts - With Google Alerts, you get an email sent automatically every time Google finds new pages containing the word you want to watch. you might want to keep track of discussions about your own company name on the Internet, so you could write "IntraMedia" or whatever your company is called as a keyword, and choose to receive an email whenever Google finds new pages on the Internet where your name appears in the text. It is extremely useful to keep an eye on particular products, companies, competitors, etc., but can also be used to see what happens within certain keywords you wish to compete with. Be careful however not to write overly general terms, since you will thus get too many results, which you is not usable at all. Try to write down a few and precise words / phrases you want to watch.