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How to measure a conversion ?
There are many different ways to measure a conversion. One of the best tools on the market is Google Analytics, which may be linked to your website design / CMS . To learn more about what a conversion is, then click and get more information about conversion measurement and conversion.
In Google Analytics is something called a "funnel". Through these funnels the the visitors are followed through a series of steps (visit different pages / filling out fields, etc.) on your website. Here is kept an eye on where users jump from through these different steps, and based on this is formed statistics and graphs that clearly shows you when people drop out from your website flow. This is often very useful if you have an online shop where you sell your products. Through this type of measurement you can from which purchasing stage or payment stage your customers drop out.
Below you can see an example of a funnel from a shop that clearly shows where people drop out.
Here is there the possibility of examining why people jump off, and then modify the page so that the fewest possible jump away from your website flow. Often minor changes can mean a significant increase in revenue (it is not uncommon that it can be doubled, tripled, etc., if not previously optimized and analyzed at these stages).