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What is Digital Marketing ?
Digital marketing is when you promote your brands / products via the internet, mobiles and other interactive media. One of the great advantages of digital marketing is that you can target its promotion very precisely to its target audience, and simultaneously measure the effect of the campaign. Similarly, digital marketing is typically much more flexible, for example it is often possible to choose to run an ad digitally, and start and stop it and adapt it continuously during the advertising period. It is rarely possible with traditional analog ad to change or start and stop in the middle of an advertising period, and if possible it is usually very inconvenient and costly.
As an understandable example, so it can be quite easy to stop a Google Adwords ad at any given time (it's usually just a push of a button), but if you must stop or change a bus lane advertising which is plastered on several buses running around town, it is not easy to change it or stop it. (And you would typically pay for it regardless).
Digital marketing can be divided into 2 types, respectively Pull and Push.
Pull marketing is when a user has itself sought and been looking for what you offer and thus finds you and your content.A good example is when a user searches for something in google, and sees a link your website and clicks on it.
Push marketing is when you send out your marketing directly to your users, eg via a newsletter e-mail campaign , sms, rss or the like.
There are advantages and disadvantages of both types, most often the product itself and an analysis of competition and the market situation that determines which of the 2 types which are best to bet on the product being offered. In many cases, both types in parallel to complement each other.
If you have a CMS linked to your website so you can typically see statistics and measure your campaign performance. Performance can also be measured and viewed via tools ie Google Analytics statistics.